What is the closest free forum hosting site to vBulletin?

April 4th, 2011 by admin Leave a reply »
free best hosting helper

Question about free hosting: I need a forum hosting site that has similar features like vBulletin such as ranking, awards, user titles, etc. Anybody?Also I want to make sure you heard me. FREE FORUM HOSTING WEBSITE, meaning that I don’t host it and I can just modify it while on the site.

Many thanks.
It can have a subdomain, I don’t mind.
Sorry but I don’t really like 3xforum, anyone else know?


Best Alternative for vBulletin
The closest free forum software solution to vBulletin is phpBB. PhPBB is a free flat-forum bulletin board software solution that can be used to stay in touch with a group of people or can power your entire website. You can install it using Fantastico (HG, Justhost) or InstallCentral (Fatcow, iPage), an automatic software installer that will help you installed your forum easily.

Need a Web Host?
hostgatorIf you are looking for a free hosting or even the best free website host for your forum website, your best choice is to go with Hostgator. Well, they are almost free because you only pay $0.01 using the coupon code below. This coupon code is good for any shared hosting and even the $24.95 Aluminum reseller hosting. Don’t forget to search for hostgator reviews to read why they are the best and popular web host today. Why waste your time with any other unreliable or new web hosts?

If you are not only looking for a free hosting but also a good cheap hosting, we suggest you try MyHosting. It is hard to find any negative MyHosting review so we believe they are the best because they give unlimited bandwidth, no limit on storage, free domain name and no limit on addon domains and for such a low monthly price. You can get MyHosting for only $4.84/month.



  1. spork985 says:

    Try IcyBoards at http://icyboards.com , it allows you to edit themes and has a bunch of preinstalled plugins. You don’t have to do anything and if you want to buy your own domain, you can.

  2. Kar98k says:

    Snowberry v1

  3. Atomic says:


  4. typlonut says:

    You can get a hosted one for free at a wide range of sites.

    This way, no coding knowledge is required and it is very easy to manage.

    I would recommend: http://www.forumotion.com