Posts Tagged ‘Video Players’

New Features, Customizable Content and More at Weebly

June 26th, 2012

New Features and Themes


Their new Weebly for iPhone lets users post to their websites and handle web sites on the go. The drag and drop program makes it simple to art posts and immediately share them in FaceBook and Twitter with just single click. You could discover out additional or even download the software right here and if you are a good Android user, don’t be concerned, we’re operating on a good app for you right this moment!
Also freshly introduced are 25 brand-new, contemporary themes. (See a few of them within the sidebar!) There’s a wide range of distinctive types coming from minimalist to stylish to colorful. Weebly additionally now has a totally rewritten style engine that can help a range of page layouts, new button aspects and social media icons. These new changes permit Weebly customers an increased degree of flexibility along with their creativity.

Quickly Create Free Website for Your Classroom


Weebly is best for making classroom internet websites, student portfolios, and internet sites with regard to assignments and projects. Their drag & drop website editor is actually stunningly simple to use, very appropriate for students in any grade levels. Weebly enables students to express themselves creatively using a wide selection of multimedia features, just about all within a protected environment that teachers can easily password protect with only just one click of the mouse. It’s easy to maximize pictures, videos, music, documents, maps and much more to your site along with Weebly’s audio and video players to keep out students from the need to venture out to Facebook or similar solutions. There is no forced advertising like some of their competitors’ “free” variants, hosting is included, sufficient reason for more than 70 stunning designs available, your site could be up and ready in just a matter of minutes in Weebly.

Easily Create Free Real Estate Website


In the past, Real Estate agents have often had to depend on third party providers in term sod web design and hosting. No longer in today! Weebly’s user friendly drag and drop website editor enables Real Estate Agents take control of their own housing website and set up new listings on their own schedule rather than waiting on the vagaries and timetables of the third party provider. Weebly offers hundreds of professional themes or templates to choose from or, if you’re familiar with HTML as well as CSS, you can use our own Advanced Theme Writer for full design flexibility. Get your results online on a single website, or even rapidly generate and launch a brochure site for the special, high-end listing or perhaps subdivision. Real Estate is often a competitive market…stand above everyone else by using Weebly.